Window Glazing May Just Be What You Need!

window glazing

If you live by the highway in any part of the Gold Coast, gone are the days of birds chirping, now its honking cars and trucks – maybe you need window glazing! If you’re tired of the sounds of vehicles on the M1 on a Saturday morning as you lazily get up, but just end up pulling your pillow over your face, then it may be time to take action. And window glazing may just be that action, but it does more than just decrease the sound.

So, Window Glazing?

Before we get into why you should invest, first you need to know what it is you’re buying. Glazing, simply, is the glass that is installed in the window frame of your home. One sheet is a single glaze window, two glass panels create a double glaze and so on, you get the picture! Your typical glazing is single-glazed windows, but depending on your needs (such as where you live, building materials, how energy efficient you want to be), it comes down to what glazing you will need.

Why Should You Invest In Window Glazing?

So, now you have a general idea about what it is, so, why should you invest in it? A guide handbook by Australian Window Association (AWA) states that where noise from traffic and other noise pollutions, a thicker glass, laminated or double glazed system will provide the most benefit. Wake up to the sound of your coffee maker, not the sound of a semi-trailer truck on the Gold Coast M1 at 6 am on a Saturday morning.

But along with noise reduction, glazing can also be used to keep your house cool in the summer. The main reason single glazing (generally 4mm float glass) is recommended in Queensland homes, as they are one of the most effective way to keep the heat outside and the cool air inside.

Did you know that up to 87% of a home’s heat is gained through windows? Which makes it all the harder when you are trying to keep your house cool in the hot Queensland summers. You can easily reduce energy consumption and improve insulation by installing glazing in your home, making it more comfortable in the long hot summer days, and warmer in winter.

Other than noise and weather impacts, the same idea applies to security. Multi-pane windows are harder to break through, making your home all the more secure for you and your family.

Just like most of your home renovations, glazing is an investment, for your home, family and future. At Purcell Homes, we have years of experience in home renovations and extensions, managing trades, deliveries, client communications, architects, engineers, and everything in between. Get in touch with us today by calling 0430 370 089 or send an email to [email protected] and let’s talk window glazing!

Stephen Purcell

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